Be A Camper
Campers are foster kids or former foster kids ages 7 to 11. Everything is free and you will be paired up with a counselor and one other camper.
Be a Volunteer
You can be involved as a staff member or a camper counselor. Staff members attend to the behind the scene tasks that keep the camp running efficiently. Counselors are mentors to 2 campers and they are really "big campers" who participate with the kids in everything they do.
Camp is free to the camper, but that means many donors have made it possible. Please give to allow another child to experience life-changing moments at Royal Family KIDS Camp.
Commonly asked questions about Royal Family KIDS Camp
There is no cost for campers to come to camp. Everything is covered by donors.
We practice a “two deep” rule which means no camper is alone with an adult. There are always 2 trained adults wherever kids are present.
Campers are ages 7 to 11.
There is a camp “store” with gently used clothing available to take home. Children can pick out items for free that they may have forgotten to bring to camp.
There is a nurse available 24 hours each day during the camp week.